Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2/19 Meeting Mates in Mataram (Lombok/Indonesia)

Back to Mataram - first to deal with my overstay & visa extension, then to meet up with mates!! I was nervous about my visit to the Immigration Office, as I was told I would be fingerprinted, interviewed, photographed, charged... So I reported to the office on Wednesday, but by Friday had my visa extension! I was not charged or punished for my 1-day overstay - I simply paid the 250,000 price for my 30-day visa extension. I WAS THRILLED - thank you Indonesia for allowing me to stay...

With Nia at Ratu's Guesthouse, a wonderful secluded getaway in Chakranegra!! Hosted by wonderful law students - I loved my 2-night stay here :)

Corn to go with my sunset on Valentine's Day :) Thanks, Deny!

Habibi taking me to the Immigration Office!! We were going over speed-bumps (aka sleeping police!)
  Vintage bikes!

Meeting up with Pete - whom I worked with in NZ and haven't seen since I left in 2010!! He is one of the sharpest business-minded individuals I know - always gets my cogs turning, and always has great projects going on!!

Sayung Backpacker Bungalows & Waterpark!! This community escape was built for local kids so they could learn to swim in an affordable, safe environment. The spring water is of drinking quality!

Going over ideas... and dreams for Lombok

I had the pleasure of staying in a bungalow for a few nights...:) it was GREAT! Clement came to meet me here from Kuta because he missed me so much... Hee

"Car Free Day" every Sunday in Mataram! What a group!!!

Mayura Park in Mataram


Traffic stoppage for a wedding!

Celebrating in the streets

Leftovers from dinner

On the radio in East Lombok to support the youth!

You should wear more sunblock, Clement. But don't worry man, I got your back..

SATAY! Best impromptu lunch ever

Documentary in progress..

THANK YOU for the hospitality and great times... Until next time!!

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